Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Moving along

Things are plugging along nicely.
You can see the house is wrapped in Tyvek (except for the one exposed wall here, they needed to get one more roll). Part of the housewrap used was not Tyvek but Typar, a similar product - he said they both work fine, just depands on what's in stock and what he has left over from the last job he can use up to save some $$$.
My dad and I spent most of yesterday morning picking up garbage/scraps to make a dump run (I took the day off to take our son to a short field trip first thing in the morning and meet with the cabinet/flooring folks in the afternoon). We took two pickup loads and there appears to be about one more load remaining at this point. If we do some of these things it means the builder doesn't have to and we save a little $$$. We also discussed some exterior lighting items with the builder, as he needs to get the siding started and the stucco guys to come out before long.
We have decided to go with Wilsonart "Treasure Wood" high pressure laminate flooring for most of the house (part of their "Classic" product line), with some sheet vinyl in a couple bath/laundry areas and cedar flooring in the master closet. We are using the upgraded noise-deadening pad underneath.
The sheetrock guy said he's concerned about some possible minor cracking at the joints in the family room due to the long ceiling span (temperature related maybe?). I'll have to follow up with that.
The painter also stopped by to discuss exterior colors.
The next 3 weeks appear to be slated for electrical, plumbing, and siding, in whatever order the weather allows. Apparently sheetrock is due to start when those items are complete.
The fireplace has been framed in and so have a couple decorative interior columns. Pocket (sliding) door frames were delivered yesterday, and our builder had picked up the bathtub and some plumbing items. Windows are due to be delivered today. Hopefully it is not raining and he can put them in.
We need to go finalize our appliance choices next.
We also discussed one other item - the possibility of a future shed for gardening supplies or a playroom for our son or whatever other purpose comes to mind. We may have the builder pour a slab while he's placing concrete for the sidewalks and stub out an electric line and hold off on building it until later. Just an idea at this point....

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