Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Almost ready for move-in!

Again, sorry for the lack of updates, but we are getting close to the end and there are not a lot of drastic changes going on.
I think we should have the fire department inspection today for the sprinkler system and other assorted items. If all goes well, I think we should have the county inspection tomorrow and we may be moving in this weekend!
We have run into a few glitches along the way - a bench seat with a drawer that won't open after the countertop was installed, washer and dryer that are too deep for the space available, a dishwasher and microwave that were damaged during transit, etc. We are just making some calls to get these items resolved.
The recessed lights are pretty dim throughout most of the house. I was the one who purchased the trims and bulbs, so this one was on me. I'll need to address this after we move in as time allows. The lights work, so let's just get the inspections finished and deal with it later.
Tile guy finished installing the tile yesterday but has some final cleanup work to do in the next couple days. The guy doing our wiring for speakers, satellite TV, etc., should be here Thursday to finish up a lot of his work. Painters should be here Thursday as well, I think, for most of the final remaining painting items as well.
AT&T should have our phone hooked up this week. Dish Network should be here Sunday the 5th for their installation. Softcom should be here for wireless broadband installation on August 15th along with the alarm company for their finish work.
We are getting close!

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