Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fencing to start in a couple days, power soon?

Sorry for the infrequent posting - we are temporarily staying with relatives on a very slow (21.6k) dial-up connection and have been very busy with selling our house, working, and keeping up with stuff for the new place.
Tile is going in slowly but surely, with part of the master shower tiled in a day or so ago.
The ditch in the front yard for power and phone has been backfilled. We should have power and water in the next couple days now, I think!
The backhoe operator also dug a few tree holes for us along the driveway and in the back yard. We should get some trees in them before too long.
We have a local guy coming in to do some touch-up grading, clean up the backyard area, and work on the driveway. He will get going tomorrow and start with the back yard, as the fencing guys ahould start on Thursday with putting in the back yard fence. Be nice to get that in soon so we can start looking at back yard layout, etc.
We are also looking at getting a lawn tractor/mower for the significant yard we are going to have to keep under control.
I am sure there is stuff I am forgetting, but that's a taste of what's going on right now.

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